Κυριακή 24 Αυγούστου 2014

Playlist 24ης Αυγούστου

1. Ghosts – Philip Selway (from Weatherhouse - 2014)

2. All The Rage Back Home – Interpol (from El Pintor - 2014)
3. How Can You Really? – Foxygen (from Foxygen…and Star Power - 2014)
4. Somewhere – Dan Michaelson and the Coastguards (from Distance - 2014)
from featured new album “Alias” by The Magic Numbers:
5. Wake Up
6. You K(no)w
7. Memories of You – Avi Buffalo (from At Best Cuckold - 2014)
8. Give Me Something Good – Ryan Adams (from Ryan Adams - 2014)
9. I Forget Where We Were – Ben Howard (from I Forget Where We Were - 2014)
from featured new album “Alias” by The Magic Numbers:
10. Roy Orbison
11. Enough
12. Rider on the Wheel – Nick Drake (from Time of No Reply - 1974/1986)
13. Raving and Drooling – Pink Floyd (from Wish You Were Here immersion disc – 1974/2012)
…and the whole of the classic featured album ‘Crime of the Century’ by Supertramp from September 1974:
14. School
15. Bloody Well Right
16. Hide in Your Shell
17. Asylum
18. Dreamer
19. Rudy
20. If Everyone Was Listening
21. Crime of the Century

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Εκπομπή 26ης Φεβρουαρίου

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